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What is Chaos

                               An interactive story / ARG
Chaos is the experience is designed to be just that
An experience.
  It is a choose your own adventure style game as your characters actions have a direct and large impact on the plot and story line. Not just for your own individual character but for the story itself.
Ownership and copyright of your character is completely yours and you have the choice to have them involved in outside media.
Such as podcast, stories, books. comic etc. But neither way  they will still completely  your character and not owned by Mycelium Sacellum the group behind making Chaos is the Experience.

  Chaos is an role play heavy experience where your interactions with others inside the narrative is key.
There will be moments when you are made to roll different dice to help guide the outcomes of situations.
You will also be occasionally given prompts known as "Character Announcements" which are essentially scenarios that your character is going through. you will be expected to write story about each prompt in the third person about how your character is dealing with said prompt.

the submissions will be compiled and put into documents on the Event tab.

  It's recommended you take notes! Although we do our best to keep track of all of the things that happen in game, note taking will often help you learn and uncover secrets, plot and other things that other may miss at first glance.

  Chaos' lore is very heavy and not for the faint of heart as it covers very serious and potentially triggering topics.
This is not a happy story and your character will be subjected to many traumas and horrors.


   Chaos the experience is likely to be a years long commitment, with other projects in the same universe inter lapping.

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